• We are here for the LA early childhood community

    The devastating wildfires tore through our homes, communities, schools, and the child care centers so many depend on. We have created a resource page to highlight a few of the important programs for funders and families.


  • A Great Beginning Changes Everything

    No matter your focus as a funder – higher education, economic empowerment, or criminal justice – investing in early childhood is the foundation for making a difference.

  • There is mounting evidence that early childhood is a crucial period when the brain is most malleable, when interventions are most cost-effective for at-risk kids. — Nicholas Kristof, NEW YORK TIMES

  • Early investment in the lives of disadvantaged children will help reduce inequality, in both the short and the long run. — Dr. James Heckman, Nobel Laureate Economist

When we invest in the health, educationand development of children in low income communities from birth to age five, we reap the biggest returns in preventing problems later in life.

For every $1 we invest in the most vulnerable children in the early years of life


We gain $7 IN RETURN

  • dollar
  • dollar
  • dollar
  • dollar
  • dollar
  • dollar
  • dollar
  • dollar
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Thousands of LA County’s low income children are behind the day they are born:

  • 200,000

    children birth to age 5 in LA County live at or below poverty line

  • 55% Medi-Cal

    Over 130,000 births in LA County each year, 55% are Medi-Cal births

  • 50,000

    children under 5 in LA do not have health insurance

  • 4 OUT OF 5

    children do not have access to early care and programs.

  • 30 MILLION

    By age 4, the average low income child has heard 30 million fewer words.

  • 60% BEHIND

    LA’s low income kids start kindergarten on avg. 60% behind their middle & upper income peers

Learn More


Each foundation has its own theory of change, funding guidelines, and areas of support.
The Partnership’s ability to coordinate the resources of many individual foundations provides a platform to magnify the impact of a single individual member’s giving.

we act as a catalyst

To make sure the lowest income children in Los Angeles County succeed from birth,
we act as a catalyst by working with leaders across multiple sectors who have the power
to create change, at the scale it needs to happen.

  • WE

    We educate private and public sector leaders and funders on the value of investing in high-need communities — in a space where stakeholders can freely exchange ideas and learn from each other

    SEE HOW >
  • WE

    We invest with an eye to social returns that last. Rather than fund individual programs, we look for opportunities to blend, braid and align funding to achieve broad-scale change.

    SEE HOW >
  • WE

    We lead through our influence, relationships and networks, using all our assets to support and advance comprehensive improvements to the systems that support children and their families.

    SEE HOW >


$ 9,775,192.00

Since 2012, we’ve leveraged $9.77 million to support LA County’s most vulnerable infants and toddlers so they get the best possible start in life.

  • Expanded early learning programs for thousands of high-risk babies and toddlers
  • Supported creation of full-time early childhood development reporting at KPCC
  • Led development of family engagement framework
    for LA County